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Friday, December 26, 2008

Saat permulaan tarbiyah padaku

Dengan kalimah mulia ini aku memberanikan diri untuk mencoretkan sesuatu yang serba sedikit pengalaman yg diharap dapat memberi natijah buat diri ini dan orag lain. Ya Allah aku bersyukur kerana aku antara insane terpilih untuk menerima tarbiyahmu Ya Allah. Tidak pernah diri ini menyangka aku salah satu insane yang terpilih menjadi pemikir masa depan ummah, subhanallah, betapa kasihnyamu pada hamba yang hina ini yang sering lari dari mendapat cinta mu ya Allah!!! Apabila menyingkap kembali perjalanan hidup ini, betapa bersyukurnya diri ini kerana sentiasa dipilih Allah berada dalam lingkungan naunganmu, InsyaAllah. Suatu ketika dahulu, semasa masih di bangku maahad, diri ini selalu merintih mengapalah nasibku sentiasa tidak menyebelahiku, aku iri hati melihat sahabat2 yg tidak sibuk dalam program, tarbiyah, tamrin dan seumpamanya dapat study dengan tekun dan seringkali mendapat keputusan yang membanggakan, dan lebih tersentuh lagi apabila sahabat secocok fikrah yg sama2 berjuang tidak ketinggalan mendapat keputusan yang membanggakan. Setiap kali result keluaq, aku sering menimbulkan krisis denganmu Ya Allah. Kenapa aku sering diuji begini? Kenapa aku x blh dapat mcm depa? Adakah aku memang manusia yg qoti’e tidak boleh cemerlang? Setiap kali berdoa, aku sering mengungkapkan aku tidak lagi sanggup diuji dengan result exam.Ya Allah, ampunkanlah aku Ya Allah. Diri ini insane kerdil, yang tidak bertawakkal padamu, yg tidak bergantung harap padamu, yang sering lari untuk mendapat cintamu Ya Allah. Betapa malunya diri ini apabila mengenangkan kasih, ar-Rahim, Ar-Rahman, Al-Wahab mu pada ku,sedangkan balasanku padamu hanya pertikaian? Ya Allah, sudikah kau memandangku di padang mahsyar nanti, menerima amalanku yang sedikit ni, yang sering lalai lagi alpa, yang mementingkan duniawi, dunia yang diibaratkan lebih buruk dari bangkai haiwan, yang mementingkan material, Ya Allah, tidak termampu aku menyenaraikan semua nya, dhoifnya hamba ini, sudikah lagi aku dipilih mendapat cintamu Ya Allah. Mengenangkan proses tumbesaranku dari usia 12 tahun hing sekarang tidak dapat ku jangka sekarang aku telah menapak diri di bumi usim, alam university inilah yang dinamakan rezeki khalidnya pada hambanya…….. Subhanallahhhhh
Nur hidupku mula bersinar ketika aku baru menamatkan UPSR di sek.keb.Kuala Nerang. Tekadku ketika itu Maahad Mahmud destinasiku seterusnya. Aku begitu berminat pada pengajian agama. Tambahan lagi, kakakku menjadi contoh terdekat, setiap hujung minggu aku akan mengikuti mak ayah menghantar kakak dirumah sewanya, aku begitu tertarik dengan biahnya yang berbahasa “ana” “enti”, di merata-rata ruang rumah terpampang hadis2 dan Ayat Allah, oh begitu sakinahnya… Akhirnya, sebelum result keluaq lagi, aku telah membuat penghijrahan pada fizikalku. Keluar rumah sudah mula memakai tudung labuh, berstokin, kadang2 berjubah. Walaupun dipandang pelik oleh org sekitarku, aku meneruskan jugak kerana apa yang terfikir dibenakku, aku juga mahu penampilanku setanding dengan pelajar maahad Mahmud. Bila difikir2kan, nak tergelakpun ada, ibarat ta’liq aja tp InsyaAllah perubahan pertama itu dapat meninggalkan kesan hingga sekarang dan harap Istiqamah hingga saat terakhir memejamkan mata. Dari tingkatan 1 hingga tingkatan 6, maahad medan tarbiyahku. Bermula hari pertama pendaftaran, kemudian ditempatkan di urwatul wuthqa dan seingatku insane yang menyambutku ialah kak Laila dan kak zul wahida kemudian berlaku perkenalan pertama sahabat sebatchku apabila disusuri masturah dan pada malamnya diikuti Adhwa. Kami bertiga yang distandkan “Kanak2” ditatang kakak2 bagai minyak yang penuh. Hiduplah kami bertiga di dunia uq, kesekolah bersama, study, tidur, begaduh, merajuk, yang kini tinggal memori yg ditempuhi dan ditelan bersama.
Apabila meningkat ditingkatan dua, sahabat sebatch bertambah apabila menerima kehadiran Shahida, Farhah Nabila dan yang lain seperti nadzirah, maksu, syifa’,izzati dan beberapa lagi yang tidak dapat dsenaraikan. Awal thun itu kami ditukarkan ke rumah baru iaitu Tibbil Qulub. Tapi malangnya diri ini berjiwa kecil yang amat penakut pada ‘gangguan’ aku hanya mampu bertahan hanya semester aje dan berpatah balik ke uq. Pada tahun PMR aku satunya pelajar PMR yang menghuni di uq. Pada semester pertama perjalanan hidupku seperti biasa, ke sekolah, pulang rumah, ke tuisyen, usrah sekolah dan yang paling best usrah umah sewa kerana setiap hari selasa petang aku dan k.lin(naqibah) akan ke Qudhwah Hasanah bg sesi usrah pd mlmnya dan seawall jam 4pg pulang semula dgn naik basikal yang ditunggangi k.lin dan aku yn jd pembonceng. Tetapi apa yg lawaknya, 1 pg kami dikejar anjing yang entah berapa bnyknya, berlarinya kami sampai habis barang dilempaq, esok pg sblm p sekolah baru dikutipnya balik. Cuma yang berbeza sedikit pada tahun tu, aku mula mendapat amanah sebagai naqibah kepada adik2 tingkatan Satu. Pada tahun itula aku mula menjebakkan diri dalam marhalah2 tarbiyah dan dakwah ni bersama Adhwa sahabat mulanya dan diikuti masturah dan Shahida. Bertambah lagi tahun, maka bertambah sahabat2 ku yang bersama kami iaitu farhah nabila, munirah, fatin dan khairunnisa dan HAzwani di tingkatan 5. Mengingat kembali kenangan2 semasa ditarbiyah cukup membahagiakan walaupun ketika masa itu, terasa berat dan tak mampu di pikul. Itulah putaran hidup yang tak mampu diputar kembali, selamat tinggal memoriku. Memori hanya tinggal memori…………… seingatku, masuk semester kedua tingkatan 3, diriku baru terasa kekurangan apabila tak dak sahabat yang dapat membantu menjadi tempat rujuk dan rakan kongsi masalah dlm pelajaran. Akhirnya aku minta kebenaran k.minah selaku ketua uq untuk berpindah ke qh. Rutin harianku berubah sedikit kerana berhadapan banyak saingan kawan2 dalam pelajaran. Baru hadir mood nak struggle bila tngk shbt2 len baca buku bagai nak gila.klu blh tak mau tidoqpun tak pa, Cuma pada akhir nak exam ketika tu aku qasa mcm tak sabaq nak abih exam reason nya krg selesa dgn suasana krg jaga kebersihan sebab aku ni cerewet sikit bab kebersihan ni. Nak balik cepat ja kat uq.
Bertambah tahun, aku dipindahkan lagi ke rumah sewa baru iaitu Tibbil Qulub. Ketika itu, rumah yang kami sewa baru berpindah tempat, alasannya rumah TQ yang lama ada mslh keselamatan dan ‘gangguan’ halus. Kakakku diamanahkan menjadi ketua dan aku sebagai bendahari. Pengalaman pertama menjadi ajk rumah sewa memang mentensionkan, tambahan bayaran sewa pertama kali dikenakan double price(intro + basic payment) qasa waktu tu mcm nak tulis ngan kertas buat duit ja, tak sanggup nak kenakan yuran yang tinggi kat yang len. Dan seingat ku, pada masa tu jugak, aku seolah2 disisihkan kerana dianggap tidak layak didampingi. Prinsip “man ana” yang depa syok pegang. Ini juga satu challenging yg aku kena hadapi coz tak dak shbt yg secocok fikrah ditempatkan bersama aku ketika itu. Harungilah aku berseorangan dan kakak la tempat melepaskannya, huhuhu. Tahun 2005 baru aku kenal dan dipaksa telan pahit manis sebagai pendakwah. Penglaman yang bermacam2 mengajar aku tentang liku hidup seorang mata rantai pengikut sunnah Rasulullah S.W.T. penglaman yg ku dapat ketika itu bermacam2 apabila diamanahkan menghandle tamrin tingkatan, ming.penghayatan islam, badan dakwah dan banyak lagi yang seumpamanya. Pengalaman ketika itulah yg plg bnyk mengajarku tentang pentingnya ukhwah sahabat2. Walaupun tarbiyah diterima sekali, kadang2 hadir juga konflik dan pahit manis bersahabat, khilaf pendapat, rajuk-merajuk, “man ana” tetap tidak dapat dielakkankan, biasalah lumrah bersahabat. Klu tidak takkan UNIC create nasyid yang berbunyi “
ketika mula bertemu, terasa bagai telah lama bersua, kau sambut hulur tanganku bertegur sapa penuh mesra,masa terus berlalu, dan kita tetap seiringan berjalan,menempuh onak liku , lalui semua suka dan duka bersama, biarlah apapun rahsia, dan kelemahanmu, engkau tetap temanku, riangnya saat kita bersama asyik senda dan bercerita,walau sesekali pandangan kita berbeza, angannya tetap serupa, adakalanya kita jua saling terluka namun diakhirnya kita tetap bersama, dan kini dipisahkan dua benua saling mengejar cita,(mun) tak pernah kulupakan detik yang indah bersamamu temanku, ku pasti suatu masa, engkau dan aku kan bertemu semula,menjalin detik nan indah, untuk kenangan bersama……….
Tahun berikutnya (2006), aku dithabatkan menghuni di TQ jugak, tp x bestnya amanahku up grade sikit sebagai ketua TQ. Tahun tu Alhamdulillah jugak sebab aku dipartner dengan seorang sahabt secocok fikrah. Qasa laga tu ada jugak coz tahun sebelum2 ni aku selalu jd tunggal dan kena duduk dgn sahabat yang x secocok fikrah, Dan yng challenging skt aku kene b’pisah dgn kakak pulak, kakak jd ketua QA, BUAT pertama kali la duduk berasingan. Tahun tu, semangat aku lain sikit dlm bab study ni, maybe wajibat kathirun min waqtu kot, so waktu free ja, kat meja study la. Tp x sangka pulak mengasingkan diri dr penghuni lain buat ada yang tersentuh, serba x kena aku dibuatnya, a’lakullhal pengalaman2 tu la yg melatih kematanganku menjadi lebih b’kepimpinan dan try do the best to create my own life!!!! Alhamdulillah, mungkin ini la dinamakan kecintaan Allah pada hambanya tp hambanya ya yang tak sedaq.
Bertambah umur, bertambah pulak amanahku,tamatnya SPM aku, mas dan paah dipanggil berhimpun di QA, seperti biasalah seperti yang dijangkakan, mandat baru la tu………….. kami ditaklifkan untuk memikirkan 3 taklifan yang cukup berat, harapan kakak, ustaz-ustazah dan yang penting madu’ di bumi maahad. Masihku ingat, malam tu kami diumumkan mandate baru yang berubah tangan dari batch 05 ke 06. Bagai disabung petir, kegusaranku ternyata tepat apabila menerima mandat untuk pegang PPIK, satu pertubuhan yang boleh dianggap hampir terkubur di bumi kedah.MasyaAllah, tanpa tertahan lg, air jernih yg ‘tegar’ ni terbit jugak menggambarkan betapa gentarnya nak laksanakan amanah tu. Tahun itu, rutin harianku berubah sama sekali, kalau dulu bangun pagi, yang terfikir kesekolah nak mengaji, tp kali ni program ja dalam otak. Ibarat hidup untuk b’program sampai cikgu kat maahad kenalku pun bukan sebab qajin tnya pljrn tp qajin tnya blh jd guru awasan tak atau lbh mudah ni budak BDK. Malu pun ada jugak tapi kena buwat muka sekupang la kalau tak program tak berjalan… sepanjang di bumi maahad, tahun 2007 la tahun yang paling manis yang tak dapat lupa, kenangan berprogram d maahad, berkemping sesame sahabat rumah sewa di yan, yang bestnya, kenangan pahit manis ni bukan lagi bersembilan yang menempuhnya, semua sahabat serumah sewa turut support. Maybe kami jumlah yang ramai, sampai terpaksa tubuh 1 lg rumah sewa khas untuk tingkatan 6( qurrotul qalbi) ingat lg Wani(ketua umah) Mun, Atin, Yana, Asma, Maksu, Afifah,Nadz,Nani, Zainab, Farrah and others yang krg pasti dan tak larat nak taip, mereka2 ni la yang menambah kekuatanku, dlm meramaikan peserta PPIK, meningkat Dana Ekonomi, tukang masak program, oh betapa sayangnya ukhwah kita wahai sahabat. Paling susah nak lupa, saat nak exam waktu tu baru aku kalut nak paham apa STAM ni, itula kelemahanku, tak mampu nak seimbangkan pelajaran dan perjuangan. Wlupn kelam kabut, aku bertuah sebab semua sahabat bergabung nak saling bantu membantu, kami buat study group. Kami devide setiap subjek, ada yang jd tok guru. Disebabkan aku ni kurang ckt bab kefahaman ni, aku n mun pilih nak terang madah tafsir. Tajuk mula ok, setrusnya semua bler, last2 ust.kamal jugak mai terang, lawak2. Bila dah tamat study group, baru aku ketahuan apa dia yang dok belajaq selama ni, terutama mantiq dan a’rudh. Qasa tak puas lagi belajaq, syok sngt bila paham, siap cipta lagu lg nak mengapai. Dan yang puas hatinya mai Result keluaq subjek yang banyk tidoq n x minat tu la jd highest, itu la keajaiban ALLAH. Betulla pepatah man jadda wajada, aku tak jugak boleh melabelkan sebagai budak mumtaz, tp itu aku pegang sebagai sunnatullah, setiap yang dijadikan Allah bersebab.
Kesimpulannya disini, kepada pembaca2 yang sudi menghabiskan jugak coretan saya ni, ambilla sebagai iktibar dan pengajaran. Dalam membawa risalah da’wah ni tidak dapat lari hidup kita dari kecundang semangat dan kejayaan. Saya insane yang tidak la Berjaya sangat ni masih boleh meneruskan hidup malah dikurniakan rezeki untuk dapat lagi mnymbng pelajaran di bumi menara gading, wlupn jika dipandang dari akademiknya suatu ketika dahulu, kecemerlangan saya tidakla secerah antum semua, tetapi percayalah, intansurullahhayansurukum wayusabbit aqdamakum…… keintima’kan diri dalam harakah ni sebenarnya tidak langsung merugikan malah mendatangkan manfaat yang kadang2 tanpa dijangka dalam benak fikiran kita. Allah juga telah menjanjikan profit yang begitu membahagiakan seperti dalam surah as-saff ayat 4: “sesungguhnya Allah mencintai orang-orang yang berperang dijalannya dengan barisan yang teratur seakan-akan seperti suatu bangunan yang tersusun kukuh”.
Dalam ayat 11-14:”kamu beriman pada Allah dan Rasulnya dan berjihad di jalan Allah dengan harta dan jiwamu,itulsh lebih baik dari kamu jika kamu mengetahui…selebihnya baca sendirilah dalam surah as-saff m/s 552. Wassalam……………..


Friday, October 17, 2008


The Malay marriage is a regal affair. The bride and groom are treated as king and queen for a day. The pre-wedding meeting between the bride's and the groom's parents will determine the dowry that is to be given to the bride as well as the date of the solemnization. This may be as early as a year before the wedding itself so that arrangements could be made in advance. Often the wedding is held on one convenient weekend so as to accommodate relatives who live far away and to reduce costs. The henna application ceremony is held prior to the wedding. The bride's palms and feet are 'decorated' with the dye from the henna leaves. Sometimes this is followed by the costume changes and the bride and, less often, the groom will don different clothes for photography. The raised dais will be beautifully decorated for the purpose
The pre-wedding meeting between the bride's and the groom's parents will determine the dowry that is to be given to the bride as well as the date of thesolemnization. This may be as early as a year before the wedding itself so thatarrangements could be made in advance. Often the wedding is held on one convenient weekend so as to accommodate relatives who live far away and to reduce costs. The henna application ceremony is held prior to the wedding. The bride's palms and feet are 'decorated' with the dye from the henna leaves. Sometimes this is followed by the costume changes and the bride and, less often,the groom will don different clothes for photography. The raised dais will be beautifully decorated for the purpose.
Guests are invited to partake of a meal on Sunday. This is usually held in the void deck of a housing board flat so as to accommodate the large number of guests invited. Besides cutting down on costs, holding the feast in the void deck also enables the guests to view the bridal chamber and the sitting in state ceremony often held in the bride/groom home. The wedding preparation is often based on the got cooperation among friends and relatives, for which the Malays are most well known for. Again in Singapore, simplicity has given way to tradition and requires that such tasks be undertaken by caterers.


My brother’s wedding was an interesting ritual.. The ceremony started with “akad nikah” or marriage vow, which was overseen by the imam in front of some witnesses. The most challenging session for the groom was the "akad nikah" time where the groom was needed to express a verse in order to marry the bride legally. This was the most rerrifying time for the groom which would make the groom's hand sweating all over and there were butterflies in his stomach for sure. Then, other event in the wedding day was the” bersanding” ceremony that might take longer time depending on the number of guests and family members who wished to partake in the “tepung tawar” session. The guests were served with various kinds of food and also “bunga telur” as token gifts. The ceremony finished with photography session among family members with the king and queen of the day. The ceremony resembled in the Grand Continental Hotel. Plus, turquoise was the theme colour for this ceremony. Moreover, there were six guests for each table per serving. A part from that, the symbolic object tied between the special spouses of the day was two jewel rings. It represented the symbol of love through their marriage. The My brother's wedding is most interesting ritual that I never forget in my life.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

SYAIMA : Like use toys to play is tree house, cooking, teaching, doctor, and fire station. And the favorite activity when she were a child is cooking.
SAADAH : Toys that she like is teddy bear, army and so on. And favorite activity is police and thief, chick and nauntes.
FISHA : Teddy Bear is a favorite toys and hide and seek is favorite activity when she were a child.
NABILA : Lego and Teddy Bear is favorite Toys and ride a bicycle is a favorite activity when she were a child.
NUR AIN : Like use toys to play is Catapult And the favorite activity when she were a child is hide and seek.

HANI : Lego and Teddy Bear is favorite toys and hide and seek is favorite activity.

NURUL : Teddy Bear is favorite toy and police and thief is favorite activity.

HAZIQ : Chalk and black board is his favorite toy and bycycle for cycling is favorite activity.

SAFIA : Grocery store and teddy bear is favorite toy and riding a bicycle is favorite activity when she were a child.

FAZRIN : Toy Car is favorite toy and police and thief is favorite activity when he were a child.


After I interview my classmate, my entire friend have their own interesting point and unique.From among them tell about wedding, school annual day, ceremony of Khatam Al-Quran and others. But the most interesting that I attracting among them is Syaima. She tell about her cousin weeding. What attractive about her is when she said they provide many kind of food. Normally when I participate any wedding, I just have a dish of food “Nasi Minyak”. But she said they provide others nasi minyak is Laksa, Bihun Sup, Bubur Kacang, and also from west food such as Barbeque. So, that’s very grate and unique event. I could not imagine how grand their wedding. Others unique in their event that’s I never saw wedding is the atmosphere of the wedding was romantic because during the ceremony, love music song was played. Their relatives wear blue colour clothes, because blue colour is their theme for the wedding. I think the quest in their wedding very enjoyed and appreciate from their event. She also said, they invites the people surround their stage especially relative and friend nearby. Lastly, I’m very attracting to her experience and maybe will be idea for my future wedding. Huhuhu.

The avant-garde :
1.new and very modern ideas in art, music or literature that are sometimes surprising or shocking.
2. a group of artist, who introduce new and very modern ideas.

Question : find how meaning for so, and for each meaning.

· Used to emphasize an adjective or adverb, especially when this produce a particular result. Example: He was driving so fast that he couldn’t stop.

· Used in negative sentences for comparing people or thing. Example: she’s not so clever as we thought.

· Used in place of something that has been said already, to avoid repeating it. Example : are you coming by plane? If so, I can meet you at the airport.

· Not with verb in the negative also, too. Example : he’s a teacher and so is his wife.

· Used to show that you agree that sth is true, especially when you are surprised. Example : it’s getting late. So it is. We’d better go.

· (formal) used when you are showing in this way, like this. Example : It was a black insect, about so big.

· With the result that, therefore. Example : She felt very tired so she went to bed early.

· With the purpose that, in order that. Example : She wore dark glasses so nobody would recognize her.

· Used to show how one part of a story follows another. Example : so what happen next?

Monday, October 13, 2008

new post

Buying something just for its image.
There is a lot of advertisement in Malaysia. One day, I am attracted to some advertising about product if skin solution. I look that image very interested and I hope when I use the product, my pace will become like the model of the product. The product image like wonderful and using the pink colour as a team colour. My impression, the product can give me become beautiful and my skin looking fairer, smoother and firmer to the touch. So, every day I will collect my money until enough suppose I buy the product. But after I tried the product, the result gives me disappointed because not suitable with my skin. So, now I will never trust any advertisement just for its it image.

When I was 7 years old, I learned a great lesson from my parent. That was the day when I was riding my bicycle. Every day, my favorite activity is riding a bicycle. I will ride my bicycle with my friend around the village. Sometimes, we will ride bicycle in high speed or maybe speeding in a race between us. My parent always advise me but I never listened to their advises. For me, I had a lot of fun doing whatever I like with my bicycle.
One day, when we enjoyed in a race. Unfortunately, my bicycle has punctured. To make it worse, I couldn’t handle my bicycle properly. Suddenly, my bicycle went straight to the drain including myself. It was a painful moment for me because I had severe injuries all over my body. It was an unforgettable accident. What I have learnt from this incident was as a child, we must listen to the eldest especially our parent because they have their own reasons on why they prohibit us from doing that they don’t like.


Sunday, September 7, 2008


Petronas advertisement touches me a lot. At the beginning of the ads, a daughter has brought her father home from a hospital. but, there were an unpleasant feelings of the husband towards his father-in-law because he's getting older and unaffordable to event feed himself until he spilled over his dinner. Then, he let his father to eat alone outside yhe house. His children had nitnesses what his father had done toward their granddad. They had expressed that they will do the same tking toward their father when they grow up. Evently, his daughter and son in law realize over their mistakes and ask for forgiveness from their father. This advertisement reminds us about love towards the folks especially our own parents.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My idea of the perfect career is teaching. I want to become a teacher. The main reason I choose this career because I like to teach and I am happy with some physical activities such as active in classes, aerobic, sport and others. Besides, I like challengers and happy working at school. As we know, as a teacher, I should active in classes as well as outside the classes. That’s why I choose this career because it’s my passion. The third reason is that enjoy and good in problem solving. One possible problem with this career is that maybe I will face a problem with the students for example, problematic student that are not interested to study. However that’s common problems among teachers when confronting with such students and I have to be ready for it so that I will became a respectted and succesful teacher.


Where I am in life now? Everybody must have a motive and certain aim in their life. Like me, I also have the good aim in my life. I am a first year student in Islamic Science University of Malaysia. I’m studying in corporate administration and relation’s course. From my last experience in primary school and secondary school, I had learned how to create my career in the future. My expatiation in my life is to be a rich Islamic lady and has my own company.

Where I am in life now? Everybody must have a motive and certain aim in their life. Like me, I also have the good aim in my life. I am a first year student in Islamic Science University of Malaysia. I’m studying in corporate administration and relation’s course. From my last experience in primary school and secondary school, I had learned how to create my career in the future. My expatiation in my life is to be a rich Islamic lady and has my own company.

my experience with flow

My flow of life is very complicated. It gives me varies experiences to what I am now. I started my first education in primary school at Kuala Nerang, Kedah. I was an excellent student among my other friends in primary school. I got A’s in every subject that I took in the examination. My parent was very proud of my result. But, after I was in secondary school, my performance in study began to fall apart, I was not as excellent as I was in primary school. My result for PMR was so disappointing. I had disappointed both my parents. I took it for granted and never looked into my studies after every class that I had attended. It made me felt so bad. Sometimes I felt like giving up. But my parents never scolded me for that, they always gave their full support and encouragement to me in order for me to move on with my next life especially in education. For me, I had my own principle in life. “If no pain, there’ll be no gain, once I fall, it doesn’t mean that I’ll fall forever. But it’s the best start towards success and glory.” After I got my result for SPM, it went out well. My result was in flying colors. I got 11A’s and I was the best student in my school at that year of SPM examination. I was honoured by the headmistress, Madame Rafidah. She was the one who was so overwhelmed with excitation after she knew about my result. After all, she was the one I met when I failed for my PMR examination. She never wanted me to loss spirits in studying. Until now, her words have never slipped my mind and it is always unambiguous. “Aim high and go for it, never turn yourself to failure.” She always gave her full support as if I was her flesh and blood daughter. Aiming high and hard working had been very worth it to me. Everyone has their abilities to gain success including myself. Once in a while, we can’t run from making mistakes in life. For me, mistakes are also the heart and soul of success. But the most important thing is that, I had learned from my mistakes and that had made many differences in my life. Plus, I have successfully proved that I also have the ability to be success just like anyone else in this world.

Enjoying in work are interesting and attracting. It makes me feel so curious to know about their secrets. What I learned about the secret of happiness in work is so unique. When I read the article about the experiences by Tiffany G, Brian F, Chris M, and Diego C, it is proved that every work must have a factor to be happy in any works that we are in. I like to describe a story about Brian F. He said that, “I have the best job in the world, and I can’t imagine doing anything else. I’m an archaeologist, a discoverer of people and places from the past. As a child, I was crazy about ancient people such as the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas. In college, I majored in archeology. I have a great love for things from the distant past, from hundreds or thousands of years ago. Sometimes I find a piece of jewelry such as a ring or part of a necklace. I stand there with it in my hand, and I think, “I am the first person to hold this in three thousand years. Sometimes I discover broken pieces of an ancient bowl. I carefully clean them and put the bowl back together. It’s like a puzzle. I focus on it so hard that I forget everything else. I’m not aware of time and I have no idea of the hour. I look up at the clock, and it is five hours later. It seemed like only minutes. Every day, I’m thankful for my work. It’s more than my profession. It’s my life.” From his stories and experiences above, passion in one job is vital and it plays a vast role for the factor of love in job. In my opinion, Plus, we have the passion to continue in doing what we love most in our lives. For example, if a person I learned that the secret of happiness in work discovers our talent, passion, and strength. Everyone has their own talents. For example singing, sewing, baking or maybe dancing. So, we have to use our granted talents wisely. It’s good to know about our own talent so that we can enjoy our lives beneficially is into medicine, the career as a doctor will perfectly suits him or her. Passion also plays the main factor in order to gain happiness in work. We can look into Brian F’s story, he is very passionate in his profession, so it is not uncanny if he enjoys his job. Besides, strength also plays a factor in order to achieve happiness in jobs. Strength is important in the world of social intelligence, kindness, honesty, self-control and the ability to work in a group. According to Martin E.P Seligman, it’s especially important to know our strength. Everyone has certain strengths. We can choose to use them or not just like the talents that we have. How are they different from talents? In Authentic Happiness, Seligman explains that strengths are moral characteristic, it is the abilities to know what is right and what is wrong and to choose right. We can all build on our strengths, and we can all acquire new ones. In a nutshell, passion, talents and strength are a great combination in order to feel the happiness in work.

Monday, August 25, 2008

I am a Rose

There are almost kind of flower in the whole world. There are orchid, tulips, lilies, sunflower and even roses. But mostly, people love to pick red roses for special occasions. Red roses can represent love and friendship. Roses give lots of meaningful memories to roses lovers.

I am a red rose. As you all know, I am very special and unique. Physically, I'm red in colours with a long and hard stem as my "leg". Although it is thorny, the fragrance of me attracts so many people to smell and touch my red calyx. I feel so pleased of being so appreciate by many kind if human beings as I can make them feel calm and relax.

People always compare me as similar to a women. I, my self is represented as a women's soul. I am attractive and tempatative on the outside, but vulnerable to hurt in the inside as I'm soft and easy to "die". But I'm hard to be hurt as I have thorns as my "body guard" that surround me and nurture me all the time in what ever situation. Short, I'm vulnerable to hurt but It's not an easy to be hurt. That's differentiate me from task my friend, violet and that makes me so much special and unique. Plus, people symbolize me as gentle, kind and full of passion and calmness.

Every women in this world envy me as I'm also symbolize as "wardatuss solehah" according to the arabian. Lastly, I am so proud to be a red rose and hope all women will to follow me.


:: Lidah Penghunus ::


"Apabila Allah pertemukn seseorang yang menambat hatinya,

dia lupa pada Allah, dia terburu-buru cuba memenangi hati

dia biarpun banyak masa dibazirkn,

hatinya diselebungi khayalan dr Allah,

Cinta kerana nafsu sering dianggap cinta kerana Allah,

itulah manusia dan liciknya syaitan yang memperdaya,

cinta Allah tidak mengecewakan,

cintanya sentiasa membawa kebahagiaan kepada hati, perasaan dan kehidupan.

Oleh itu, marilah kita menjadi wanita yg bisa mengetuk kelalaian lelaki dari terpesona dengan fitnah wanita.

Cinta perlu dihijab dengan iman dan khasyatullah kerana Allah jadikan cinta sebagai satu ujian.

Bersamalah mujahadah menjaga hati!"