There are almost kind of flower in the whole world. There are orchid, tulips, lilies, sunflower and even roses. But mostly, people love to pick red roses for special occasions. Red roses can represent love and friendship. Roses give lots of meaningful memories to roses lovers.
I am a red rose. As you all know, I am very special and unique. Physically, I'm red in colours with a long and hard stem as my "leg". Although it is thorny, the fragrance of me attracts so many people to smell and touch my red calyx. I feel so pleased of being so appreciate by many kind if human beings as I can make them feel calm and relax.
People always compare me as similar to a women. I, my self is represented as a women's soul. I am attractive and tempatative on the outside, but vulnerable to hurt in the inside as I'm soft and easy to "die". But I'm hard to be hurt as I have thorns as my "body guard" that surround me and nurture me all the time in what ever situation. Short, I'm vulnerable to hurt but It's not an easy to be hurt. That's differentiate me from task my friend, violet and that makes me so much special and unique. Plus, people symbolize me as gentle, kind and full of passion and calmness.
Every women in this world envy me as I'm also symbolize as "wardatuss solehah" according to the arabian. Lastly, I am so proud to be a red rose and hope all women will to follow me.
I am a red rose. As you all know, I am very special and unique. Physically, I'm red in colours with a long and hard stem as my "leg". Although it is thorny, the fragrance of me attracts so many people to smell and touch my red calyx. I feel so pleased of being so appreciate by many kind if human beings as I can make them feel calm and relax.
People always compare me as similar to a women. I, my self is represented as a women's soul. I am attractive and tempatative on the outside, but vulnerable to hurt in the inside as I'm soft and easy to "die". But I'm hard to be hurt as I have thorns as my "body guard" that surround me and nurture me all the time in what ever situation. Short, I'm vulnerable to hurt but It's not an easy to be hurt. That's differentiate me from task my friend, violet and that makes me so much special and unique. Plus, people symbolize me as gentle, kind and full of passion and calmness.
Every women in this world envy me as I'm also symbolize as "wardatuss solehah" according to the arabian. Lastly, I am so proud to be a red rose and hope all women will to follow me.